The name of Evgeny Nikonov knows almost every second resident of the region. The infamous photographer is famous for taking Nude models in public places. Hundreds of girls undressed in front of the camera, posing for him in front of astonished passers-by. Nikonov gave an exclusive interview to 1743.ru in which he told about the attitude to money that for him freedom means and why it excites the public with his candid photo shoots.
How did it all start
— I started photographing in school years. Probably then conceived interest. It was on an Amateur level: nature, school, etc. Photographed on the usual «soap dish» — says Eugene Nikonov. — I never thought it would be my main occupation.
Soon there was a turning point, which determined the fate of Nikonov.
— I went to conquer big cities, worked in the office. Got into the women’s team, once in a conversation with colleagues told about their Hobbies. One of the girls said she wants to do naked photo shoot, continues the photographer. «Naturally I was surprised. Of course, the result was utter nonsense. Similar photos at that time was full in a network. But she liked it. So, basically, I’ve been taking pictures of my entire office, one by one.
Eugene admits that it was a sad sight, but nevertheless, he was encouraged. And he immersed himself in that environment. But filmed not only «Nude», but also photo shoots in other styles. Soon he began to receive orders from customers, mostly from those who were going to get married. In parallel, he decided to try himself in the business associated with the construction sector. However, soon Nikonov gave up the business, which lasted almost ten years.
— I'm not as interested now as I was then. Probably because I got paid for it. The money may have been small, but it was interesting. From a hobby it turned into an additional profession. Left the business. Yes, he suited me from an economic point of view, but he did not suit me as a person. At some point I realized that the money I needed-I earned. So I decided that I’d rather get less money and do what you love, that is what I do and it seems interesting to me. At that moment I realized that I was not interested in other shooting, except for the direction of «Nude». Although I do not see anything wrong in the fact that people shoot children’s holidays, and wedding, and advertising, and nudity.
Nikonov says that sometimes he rarely have wedding and other photography.
— It's hard to find the line to which, probably, it is necessary to remove. Sometimes maybe I get redundant as people think, a Frank photo shoot. I do not divide a person into any forbidden parts or parts that are not allowed. But the public thinks differently. Although I don’t really care! Then «nysna» theme stuck to me and did not come off, becoming a part of life. That’s why I’m known as a «Nude» photographer

Don’t be shy
Pictures with posing naked young ladies Eugene, as we already know, puts on the Internet. However, as he admitted, not all photos get online — only 10−15% of the total mass.
— Not every model is ready to show the public their «achievements». All pictures that I publish online, always coordinate with them. Sometimes it happens that the model first agrees to exhibit photos on the Internet, and after a while asks to remove. I think it’s wrong! Planes don’t fly backwards. And the fact that I have done and don’t have to be ashamed of, says Nikonov. — If you ever did something you wanted to do something, so it was done right! Of course, tomorrow you can become a different person, but yesterday you liked it. Therefore, do not contradict yourself. Alas, our world is not gentle! Many things can be perceived in bayonets, and models are often dumped some kind of negative reaction. I always ask them to be confident in their abilities, and people will fall behind — people are afraid of strong people, and always attack only the weak. They must look like some kind of animal.
According to Nikonov, if the model begins to hide and close, it «eats» the environment. The photographer believes that modesty is the best road to obscurity.
— If you’re not ready to do what others don’t, you’ll be like everyone else. It is impossible to make something new if you do the same as always— — Evgeny Nikonov added.
The photographer captured on camera more than one hundred models. However, to name the exact number was difficult.
— Do not keep statistics never, never do not consider money, their amorous escapades. Similarly, do not consider models. Unfortunately, sometimes I forget even their names. Some of them agree to only one shoot, some I work longer.
Posing Housewives, managers, police and postmen On the question of 1743.ru about who are and what you do in everyday life girls posing for him naked, Nikonov said that this women of completely different professions.
— From government officials and media personalities in my memory was empty. Perhaps there were wives of politicians or someone from their environment. There were spouses and people from a close environment of those whose surnames are known by all in our city. And professions are completely different: Housewives, secretaries, managers, postmen, police. These pictures are not published, they are made for their personal use only. They have the right to live life to the fullest and do whatever they want.
According to Nikonov, women take candid pictures to look at themselves after a period of time to please their husbands.
— Unfortunately, beauty and youth are not eternal. It’s a resource that runs out fast. Often women begin to understand it a little later than it would be possible. Of course they often pose for spouses. It’s like phototherapy. Over time, men lose interest in their companions, especially those men who have a certain status, wealth, some fame. Life is so arranged that they have younger companions, and women begin to feel serious competition — says the photographer. — In order, perhaps, not to miss this moment, to show, that in General something I better position not worse or lift itself self-esteem, awaken to itself interest. Yes, Yes, it really is! And it works, believe me!

The reaction of the husbands'
When asked how the husbands of Nude models felt about it, he said he often received threats from them.
— Everyone reacts differently. I get threats on a regular basis. And in the social network I write, and in the mail. On the site leave all sorts of nasty stuff. Some threats are upfront! That is write that if this or that girl addresses to me, I didn’t remove them,
— the photographer shares. — I always treat such things ironically! I don’t have any fear. It’s just words. If the girl decided to take a picture, then no one can forbid her.
According to him, among his customers — a lot of men. Girls take the initiative and men pay.
— Some often ask me the question: are there any girls who take pictures of «Nude». That is, they want to do a Nude photo shoot, but shy of me as a man. I fully understand their position, but on the other hand, is it my fault that I was born a man? — outraged Eugene. — And then there’s reputation. It tends to deteriorate quickly. Accordingly, if I allow myself something wrong, it will quickly become known not in my favor.
— Most of the future models looking through social networks and less-live. I never persuade anyone to a candid photo shoot, with rare exceptions. And then, most likely, not even a deal but a suggestion. If a person has no interest, then there is no sense to continue this conversation — - says Eugene. — To say that the model is boring-Yes, there is probably no such thing. The more often the model is removed, the better it turns out. There are girls who pose longer: they are interested, they like the reaction. Everything is born spontaneously — there is no specific purpose that we do so-and — so today, and tomorrow-otherwise. What comes to mind, then remove. That’s the thrill!
Shooting Nude on the streets of Orenburg
Nikonov claims that for him the main thing-freedom. Candid photo shoots on the street — in public places in broad daylight in front of astonished passers-by, he arranges for the reason that he is bored to shoot in the studios.
— There is more emphasis on some color solutions. But boredom is boring! Shooting in public places, you can get very different emotions. They are received by the model, and the result is quite different — — says the photographer. — Different models behave differently. Of course, sometimes they are embarrassed. I think, perhaps, some degree of constraint all -??? present. But, on the other hand, it is necessary to start and embarrassment disappears. We try to minimize the number of people, children during filming on the street. Although this is more of a societal problem, not mine! Society at some point decided that a person can not walk down the street naked.
The photographer says that periodically removes models without clothes and against the background of nature. However, in his opinion, it is monotonous and not bright.
— I can’t say that our nature inspires me. Most often it is wild, poor, not bright. The architecture of the city, though not outstanding, but attracts me more. And then, to take a picture in nature is not difficult, and for shooting in the city requires some preparation. Plus-it is at least unusual! — says Eugene. «Why do I shoot during the day?» Because it is light and it is easier to shoot in daylight. I don’t break any laws when I take pictures during the day. So what should be stopping me? People’s opinions? It’s their cockroaches in the head.

Don’t mind taking pictures of women politicians.
Also Nikonov declared that he is not averse to shoot Orenburg women politicians in the Nude.
— I am ready to work completely free of charge. Only to raise interest in Orenburg politics. I’m more interested in the appearance of the model, and what it occupies a place in society — secondary, — said the artist.
Of novels about the Photographer and told the stories to the girls who pose for him naked.
— Yes, of course, of course! I think that office romances happen at all, the representatives of all professions — and the waitresses, doctors, police. Perhaps the photographers of the novels are often, but by and large, no more than all the rest, — admitted Evgenie Nikonov. Mainly my communication happens with models, there’s nobody I do not communicate. Most of my colleagues have the same story. When you do photos and all your surroundings are people who are connected with it. Probably, people who are closer, they understand how it looks inside.
On the question of whether he plans to spend his life photographing «Nude», Nikonov said that as long as it will be interesting to him. In his opinion, such photo shoots are becoming more popular